The first days of my hospital stay were the last days of January, and the next days were the beginning of February. Like a kid, I was asked time and again what day it was, and when my birthday was. The answer was, "F," then "Feb," and finally on second day of the new month, "February." February was my word. I was just like a little kid who repeated a new word over and over. Like a little kid when I was asked a question, any question, I answered my new word...February!
Somewhere out there on a unnamed phone is a horrible video from February 3th of me....just a hospital, in a hospital bed, in a hospital gown, and with five days of whiskers on. I don't remember many moments in the first days of the recovery process. Now with technology at my fingertips, or rather, my daughter's fingertips, I can relive and be thankful for the progress that continues to grow.
This is the transcript from the audio portion of the video:
Daughter Karen: What's your name?
Me: (confidently) Joseph Bonanno.
Karen: What day is it?
Me: (momentary pause) It's February.......1. 2, 3, 12.....1, 2, 3, 4, 5.....
Wife Jackie: (during my counting) You're gonna go to 2000!
Me: (continuing to count) 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15!
Jackie: Yes! Very Good! (Smiles all around)
Karen: What is your wife's name?
Me: (short pause) Car....Carrie....Connie.....Karen (short pause) Hold on. Febr...
Jackie: How many wives you got? (laughing around)
Me: Say it again.
Karen: Uh, Jackie!
Me: (smiling and uttering in a silly and endearing tone) Jackie! My Jackie.
Karen: Can you say your kids' names?
Me: Um...Karen!
Jackie: Brian.
Me: Brian!
Jackie: Kevin
Me: Say it again.
Jackie: Kevin.
Me: Kevin...That's him!
Karen: Where do you live?
Me: Oh, Really? Ff...Ff (silly faces and sounds) ah...February! (everybody laughs)
Karen: Really, you live in February?
Me: Pa...Par
Karen: Par?
Me: Par...
Karen: Park?
Me: Parf...
Karen: Parkes?
Me: Parfs...
Jackie: Parkes...burg....Parkesburg.
Me:'s that.
Karen: Okay.
Jackie: What's the name of your church?
Me: Oh, Leave me a alone! (everybody laughs)
Karen: We have one more. Where do you work?
Me: At the school..........At the school. (confidently)
Jackie: Can you say the name of the school?
Me: No.
Jackie: It's Octorara.
Me: Febru...
Karen: Why do you say February for everything? (laughing) Do you want to say your birthday.
Me: I tried.
Karen: When is your birthday?
Me: February.
Karen: Can you say 'My birthday is...'
Me: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
Karen: (coaching) My birthday is...
Me: My........Mine is...
Karen: No, Cheater! (laughing)
Me: February...Feb.....
Karen: You said 'birthday' yesterday!
Me: Birthday!
Karen: There ya go! Say goodbye!
(I wave goodbye to the camera)