It was a miracle.
It's been three months.
Like the first stroke, I was awake.
It was a miracle.
I remember the commands from Jackie: "Joe, talk to me."
I could see her, there was no voice to respond to her commands.
Different than the first, there was no sunshine.
I was flying in the sky.
It was a long journey from the house to the first station,
and even longer to the city.
But it was a miracle.
Different from the first stroke, a new procedure was done.
Mechanical thrombectomy.
It was not a common term, but it was the best thing to come out of this debacle.
The tube, the artery to the brain, and the clot that was no more: like 1, 2, 3, and the blood flowed.
It was a new thing to consider the dinner table.
It was a miracle.
It was a nightmare.
Like the first stroke, I left the city hospital.
Different than the first stroke, I went to a rehab hospital.
It was a nightmare.
I was checked in, a peek at my records and there was trouble.
It's been three months.
Like the first stroke, I was awake.
It was a miracle.
I remember the commands from Jackie: "Joe, talk to me."
I could see her, there was no voice to respond to her commands.
Different than the first, there was no sunshine.
I was flying in the sky.
It was a long journey from the house to the first station,
and even longer to the city.
But it was a miracle.
Different from the first stroke, a new procedure was done.
Mechanical thrombectomy.
It was not a common term, but it was the best thing to come out of this debacle.
The tube, the artery to the brain, and the clot that was no more: like 1, 2, 3, and the blood flowed.
It was a new thing to consider the dinner table.
It was a miracle.
It was a nightmare.
Like the first stroke, I left the city hospital.
Different than the first stroke, I went to a rehab hospital.
It was a nightmare.
I was checked in, a peek at my records and there was trouble.
A name and a birthday date were the only facts that were correct.
Diabetes - No! Blood Pressure - No! Any condition - No!
Here's to the professional who corrected data, and no foreign medication administered to me.
I wanted to go home.
I wanted to go home.
It was a nightmare.
Different than the first the stroke, I was not home.
I was checked from top to bottom. Nobody asked. They just did.
Different than the first the stroke, I was not home.
I was checked from top to bottom. Nobody asked. They just did.
They checked EVERYTHING.
I was escorted to the bathroom, and was not alone until I was sitting.
I was escorted to the bathroom, and was not alone until I was sitting.
When I was done, I called and they came.
I stood up.
When I took a shower, I had company.
When I shaved I had company.
In hindsight, it was a miracle.
At the time it was a nightmare.
It was a just a little mistake.
Like the first stroke, I was making blunders.
I could not find my keys,
and they should have been on the key rack.
I couldn't find them anywhere.
I looked everywhere.
"Did you look on the key rack?"
said you-know-who.
It was just a little mistake.
There was a rack of spoons around the corner.
After hours of looking...
There it was.
Just like keys misplaced, like crackers in the fridge,
It was just a little mistake.
Luckily, there are mistake organizers for pills.

Like the first stroke, I was making blunders.
I could not find my keys,
and they should have been on the key rack.
I couldn't find them anywhere.
I looked everywhere.
"Did you look on the key rack?"
said you-know-who.
It was just a little mistake.

After hours of looking...
There it was.

It was just a little mistake.
Luckily, there are mistake organizers for pills.
White, yellow, orange, pink, blue...
Like the first stroke, there are many.
There were none before the first stroke.
A rainbow helps correct the confusion because
It was a just a little mistake.

It is a blessing.
Like the first stroke, there were many things that were not working.
The outpatient physical and occupational therapists brought my to an acceptable level.
My right side continues to improve.
It is a blessing.
Like the first stroke, there were no words, and there words now.
It's going to be an uphill climb, but there will be some kind of sense of what ticks in my brain.
The speech therapist will help me, and she already does.
It is a blessing.
Like the first stroke, there have been friends...
Friends who have been there, good friends, praying friends.
Like the first stroke, there are many.
There were none before the first stroke.
A rainbow helps correct the confusion because
It was a just a little mistake.

It is a blessing.
Like the first stroke, there were many things that were not working.
The outpatient physical and occupational therapists brought my to an acceptable level.
My right side continues to improve.
It is a blessing.
Like the first stroke, there were no words, and there words now.
It's going to be an uphill climb, but there will be some kind of sense of what ticks in my brain.
The speech therapist will help me, and she already does.
It is a blessing.
Like the first stroke, there have been friends...
Friends who have been there, good friends, praying friends.
They are a blessing.
Some friends have suffered with illness, older and younger.
They inspire me to go on with this journey I must face.
They inspire me to go on with this journey I must face.
I admire them for going on with their journeys.
I pray for their speedy recovery.
It is a blessing.
I have my family.
Like the first stroke, they came to me.
They are mine. I am theirs.
No words. Just love.
It is a blessing.
A new year of plentiful miracles and blessings to all,
It is a blessing.
I have my family.
Like the first stroke, they came to me.
They are mine. I am theirs.
No words. Just love.
It is a blessing.
A new year of plentiful miracles and blessings to all,
and no nightmares and no little mistakes...