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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Dr. Seuss and cellphones....

This week is a very special week in Reading Departments all across America.  It's Dr. Seuss' birthday. The school has had funny theme days planned for this week. Monday's was Mismatch day and our Reading Specialist was so mismatched, I had to get my cellphone out and take a picture of her. Soon, the two Reading Specialists and I were exchanging funny cellphone stories. I must admit that I am getting more accustomed to having a cellphone, but it's been a bumpy road to being 'technological'!

I am the one who got my first phone with a camera in it and didn't know it had a camera in it.  I was at work moving boxes around in our reading lab and every time I bent over to grab a box, I heard a noise like a camera clicking.  I quickly straightened up to see what the noise was to no avail.  Finally, a coworker came into the room to help me with the boxes and when I bent over the first time she was in the room, and the camera noise happened, she said, "Are you taking pictures in your pocket, Joe?"  I looked at her puzzled and took the phone out of my pocket.  Sure enough, I was taking pictures of the inside of my pocket.  We had our chuckle and by the time I figured out how to work the confounded thing, there were at least 150 pictures of the inside of my pocket stored on my phone! It took me days to figure out how to delete them and hours to do the job.

Don't even ask about the first time I figured out how to set the ringer to vibrate and stuck the phone in my pocket.  I'm not going to go into detail, but my reaction to the first vibration and subsequent taking the phone out of my pocket gave quite a chuckle to all the parents at Back to School Night who were within earshot. 
I was glad when the dang thing finally fell in the toilet and I couldn't use it anymore...alas, I got a new cell phone with even more doodads to learn how to use. Now I can boast that I can text...albeit like molasses in January, but I can text! I'm technological!  :)

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