I have always dreaded having my picture taken. It seems like that image I have of myself in my brain always gets distorted when I see the photo. I dread any picture that might appear on Facebook or on someone's digital library of the back of my balding head. Thank God Facebook allows me to untag myself in someone else's picture of me.
This year, Picture Day at school was no exception to the 'I hate cameras' facet of my life. I obediently did what I was told and went to the gym to visit the photographer. He took my slip of paper with my name on it and made me kneel. Suddenly, I was kneeling for a Lifetouch photographer and before he could say, "Look right here and smile," the deed was done. He said, "Yeah, that's a great one!" I guess I burst his bubble when I looked at the image on his screen and said, "Yechhh!" He said rather stunned, "Do you want me to take another one?" I replied, "Naa, it's as good as it's gonna get." Thanks and see ya next year!
A few weeks have passed and as if looking in the mirror wasn't enough, this was the annual new photo ID in my mailbox week where I work. I am priveleged to work in a place of education, so I get a whole package, thanks to Lifetouch, with my photo in several sizes. I must interject that I am not a user of foul words, and I have to be pretty disgruntled to even think of one, but for the past couple of years, when I look at my new school photo, I think WTF!!...and this time I don't mean Wasn't That Fantastic!! Now I can look at the ID badge and see what I really look like, and then see it blown up! Thanks to all those brilliant inventors who have used modern technology to enable me to see every line, every piece of stubble, and every out of place hair (or lack thereof!). I never knew that my eyes were slightly crossed and bloodshot. Thanks for bringing that into focus for me, Lifetouch!
That package of photos never made it home. I don't want one of the reasons I look forward to my retirement to be that I won't have to get my picture taken at school anymore.............Airbrushing or digital restoring, please!
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