After today, I can answer your questions again.
After today, you will be an individual again, not a part of a group consisting of all who are your age.
After today, the program that was carefully designed for you that addresses your needs as a learner can be resumed, as long as you haven't forgotten what you learned before the 'break.'
After today, say goodbye to the tangible rewards for your effort. You will be praised, a big fuss will be made over your progress, but there will be no pencil grips, erasers or koosh balls given. I've noticed that you react to the praise and the tangibles in the same way.
After today, those barren bulletin boards will be uncovered and the creativity of your teacher will be in view again for you to appreciate.
After today those stark, quiet, empty halls will be filled with your presence, and as loud and confusing as that can be, it will be good to return to the chaos.
After today, you will be educated, until the next one rolls around.
I wish our time together was more consistent. I've missed you. Well done, little friends.......
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