Thursday, August 23, 2012

Survey Says: Exactly Middle Aged!

Today I filled  out an online survey from my car dealer regarding my last service, and the powers that be there have confirmed that I am not old, I'm exactly middle-aged.  Toward the end of the survey, there was a request for the year I was born with a drop-down menu to search for it.  I clicked the arrow and felt old because I had to scroll way down to 1957 to find my year of birth because it didn't show on the screen.  As a happy grandfather, an adjusting empty-nester, and an alleged curmudgeon,  I acknowledge and accept the extra effort needed to search for the correct year, and have empathy for those folks who were born in 1900.  They have to scroll nearly twice the time as me, and yes, 1900 was the earliest year on the survey........

So, let's figure this out logically and mathematically:  2012 minus 1900 equals 112 divided by 2 equals 56, and that's exactly how old I'll be on my next birthday.  So, while many organizations consider me a senior, my car dealer has assured me that I'm not old, I'm exactly middle aged!  They got all the positive responses they wanted from me on that survey!

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