Saturday, September 14, 2013

That Moment When.....

That moment when the curser on the computer at the office wouldn't stop moving with this mark (`) replacing my neatly and accurately typed book information on
 the database for our rotating library.  I panicked, cursed under my breath, saved and closed the document, reopened it, and soon book titles, authors, and reading levels were looking like this (`````````````````````).  I cursed under my breath again, saved it again, and called my lovely supervisor over to marvel at the antics of my computer. She didn't say a word, she just smiled and removed the book that was resting on the apostrophe key on the keyboard, and returned to her own task.

That moment when I relayed a message to my wife saying that our son will get a Medal of Commendation for services performed at one of the Air National Guard bases at which he has been employed.  I inadvertently referred to the honor as a Medal of Condemnation, causing momentary hysteria and raised eyebrows.

That moment when my previously mentioned supervisor, the reading specialist, places a pile of six books with a post-it note attached asking for one copy of each book to be sent to another building in the school district. Being a results-oriented kind of guy, I immediately placed the books and post-it note in a box and shipped them, only to find out that the boss wanted the books copied and sent to the other building.  I felt defeated until I found out that the folks in the other building saw the books and the note and, without question. made all the copies.

That moment when a coworker who had a medical emergency in her family sent me an update on the situation.  I have a new phone and haven't figured out how to turn down the volume of the 'message received' tones.  The gal sent via text message an email she'd sent to her daughter.  It came through on my phone in the form of eleven text messages, each forcing my phone to emit that ungodly sound one hears when receiving a new text message.  My coworkers were glad to get the update, but
weren't pleased or impressed with my new phone.

That moment when I was paying my respects to my Mother's cousin's family for yet another funeral.  In the celebration pamphlet for dear Carmela was a photo display. In the bottom right corner was another treasure uncovered in the form of a picture of Carmela, my Mom, and my sister Janet.  I narrowed the location of the photo to Our Lady of Fatima church in Secane, and since Carmela was my little sister Lisa's Godmother, I assumed that she was at our church for Lisa's First Communion. Janet had a hairstyle in the photo that gals wore to proms in that era. Both the prom and the Communion would have taken place in May of 1967.  Little did Carmela's family know that when they paid tribute to their Mom, they warmed my heart by including Janet and Mom in their treasured memorial.  I would like to think that they're all standing together and smiling right now.

Whether it's a moment of senior-itis, word jumbles, phone phobia, or tribute, I am glad that in the long run I can appreciate that moment when.........

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