Sunday, November 17, 2013

Facebook fads: Lesser known facts about me.............

Facebook has done it again!  They get me to tell too much about myself, and it's out there for all to see.  Now pictures of me with my thinning hair and protruding belly are exposed.  I do like wishing my friends a happy birthday.  I don't play Facebook games unless they involve words, so I ignore all requests to join in a game, and it's not personal.  I can ignore most of the momentary fads like replacing your profile picture with a giraffe in response to an incorrect answer to a riddle...I didn't even try the riddle involved so that I wouldn't be tempted.  This week's fad, however, is a little more engaging.  My Facebook friends are posting some random facts about themselves.  I'm happy to get to know some of the lesser known, and not too revealing tidbits about my friends.  Since one of my purposes in creating this entire body of writing is to give my children and grandchildren some personal history, I thought I would participate in the Facebook fun, however cautiously.....

1)      I was the oddball, the third of four children and the rest were girls.  My daughter is the third of four children and the rest are boys.
2)      My birthday is February 5th, and my youngest son’s is January 25th, eleven days before mine, and my daughter’s is February 16th, eleven days after mine.
3)      I took swimming lessons twice in the 70’s at Upper Darby High School and Drexel University, once in the 80’s at the Y, and twice in the 90’s at a swim club.  I can’t swim.  I sink.
4)      My three sisters each had one son and one daughter.  I am once again the oddball with three sons and one daughter.
5)      I have a business degree from Drexel University.
6)      I was born at Pennsylvania Hospital in Philadelphia and lived in Philadelphia until I was a year old.
7)      I loved snow until I had to drive in it.  I still love looking at it in scenes in old movies, just not on the traffic reports.
8)      Though I have been driving for 40 years, I drive for the convenience.  I am deathly afraid of highways, aggressive drivers, texters and phone talkers, and get claustrophobic in cars with the heat on.
9)      I was an at-home Dad for 15 years, and did some daycare in my home.
10)   I am obsessed with pop and rock music recorded between 1963 and 1977.
11)   I am of 100% Sicilian descent. 
12)   My mother’s maiden name is Giacchino, and I am a distant cousin of Academy Award winner Michael Giacchino, who composed musical scores for ‘Lost’, ‘Up’, ‘Alias’, and many more.  I have never met him.
13)   I graduated from Upper Darby High School.  Some famous graduates are Jim Croce, Todd Rundgren, Tina Fey, and Cheri Oteri.
14)   Don’t tell anyone, but I have struggled with Reading, and the stuff I assist in teaching my kids at school has helped me as much as it has helped them.
15)   Most of my favorite movies ever made are Christmas movies: A Christmas Carol, It's a Wonderful Life, The Gathering, A Christmas Story, Home Alone, Elf, The Santa Clause, et. al.

There you have it, kids and grandkids...


  1. I was introduced to The Gathering by Rick, one of his favorite movies as well. It was always his tradition to watch it every Christmas Eve and we continue that tradition today. One Christmas I gave him (a bit early) a DVD copy of the movie. It was almost impossible to find. I had to buy what I believe to be a bootleg copy off of ebay.

    1. Yes, Mary! I have watched it already this season! I had an old VHS copy that I watched for years, then I found a Warner Brothers DVD in the bargain bin at Walmart a couple of years ago. The scene where Bud comes home gets me everytime!!

