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Thursday, July 24, 2014

The Facebook Positivity Challenge, The Final Day: Nature, Grandchildren, and the Future

Well, being positive for four days went better than I thought it would.  So how do I close this exercise?  I've been telling you some simple and some complicated positives that have come my way in recent days.  Maybe now it's time for the obvious......

1.  Nature

Nature gave me the gift of positivity today.

I'm not too successful at gathering nature's moments in photographs unless the targets of my shooting are still and cooperative like flowers and slugs.  The first thing this morning though, during the calm after last night's storm, I was able to capture this moment right on my deck.  I took this photo through the window and screen, so that cardinal and that squirrel didn't even know I was out to get them!

2.  Grandchildren

No positivity challenge can be properly completed without the mention of one's grandchildren.  Somehow, the crowds and the noise seemed irrelevant at our local Fair when this little lady, who only poses for photos when it suits her fancy, posed for these gems with her sister!

3. The Future

I wouldn't say that the uncertainty of the future is a positive for me.  None of us knows for sure what tomorrow will bring.  I'd like to say that I don't worry about it too much, but I worry about it all the time.  I didn't used to worry about the weather, but now the that the patterns are changing, and my kids are out there moving about, even the forecast of heavy rain can make me pace.  A roadway with an aggressive driver or a distracted cell phone user is the bane of my existence.  What is positive in all of this is that I have diversions squashing the fear:  a longtime wife that has stuck with me even when I don't feel like being too positive; kids that, for better or worse, bring challenges that distract me from thinking of myself; and of course, the grandchildren that are here and the one that will join us this fall....

Thanks Facebook friend, (You know who you are!), for asking me to take the positivity challenge.  Remember when you said, "Joe, even old curmudgeons can do it!!"  You were right...I am an old curmudgeon, and being positive feels almost as good!

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