Monday, May 30, 2011


This month, Jackie and I have been going through a sort of reverse empty nest syndrome.  Our son John and our daughter Karen have graduated from college and are home for the short term, our oldest son Kevin has visited a couple times, and our youngest son Brian still lives with us.  I've taken notice of a few things that have happened as a result of the children being here:
FOR INSTANCE..........
I am clearing the table and setting it for dinner, and it is obvious that it is being set for dinner because each seat has a  plate, a napkin, a glass, and utensils in front of it, and I can guarantee that someone will come in and put his or her car keys, purse, wallet, sunglasses, etc. on the only empty spot on the set table.
It's 94 degrees outside and humid.  The kids decide to play Poker and invite us to play.  We are the proud owners of a house with central air conditioning and several tables, including one in the kitchen and one in the dining room.  The children, however, decided that it would be great to play outside on the deck table.  So we played outside.  Don't they know that 94 degrees and central air conditioning are synonymous in this house?
Each time there is a lull in the activity and Jackie and I feel like we could relax, one of the children proclaims his or her bordom or restlessness.  Don't they know that a little lull could lead to a power nap, which would enable more fun activity, and that Mom and Dad need a lull  periodically?
Everyone in the house has a computer, whether it be a desktop, a laptop, a netbook, or even an phone with the Internet on it.  So, during those lulls I mentioned before, everyone logs onto their electronic device to 'check his or her stuff.'
Some nights, around 9:00 or so, one of the young adults will come into the room and ask if we're doing anything that night.  Don't they know that this fifty-something curmudgeon begins winding down at 9:00, and within a short time, depending if the television's on or not, is totally unwound!
I am used to washing and drying clothes on my own time.  Sometimes a load might be left in the dryer for a day until it can be sorted and put away.  When the younguns come home with their laundry, and a load has been left there, they take it out and put it in the basket or pile it on top of a table while they take care of their business.  By the time I get back to my duties, the clothes need to be dewrinkled.   This is not a complaint,  just an observation.  After all, they do their own laundry!
The intensity of the children's life announcements has increased.  Gone are the days in which we anticipated a move from middle school to high school, or high school to college.  Now we have a son who will be married, one who will relocate, a daughter who will teach elementary school in an inner city matter how much my father told me to expect the unexpected with the children, I was blindsided by their impending milestones....and sad....and happy....and proud! 
The four siblings, AKA our children, talk in ways that we as parents will never understand.  The older boys will recite dialogue from Star Wars or Star Trek in unison.  The youngest two children will belt out a tune from their favorite show or the latest Lady Gaga song, or even harmonize to a favorite church song.  The boys will tantalize the girl.  The girl will hold her own and tantalize back.  It's noise, and it's usually when that critical line in the show I'm watching is being said.  Is having the extra bodies and the increased decibel level in our house making us crazy?  YES!   Is it worth a little craziness, or seeing a little wrinkled laundry or some clutter?  Is it worth hearing a little compaining, and concurrently anticipating them leaving the nest before we're ready for them to?  Is it worth seeing our children wanting to interact with us and with each other when they come back home to see the old folks? 

1 comment:

  1. I am ROFLMAO. I see my household in yours. We have had discussions about me being polite enough to hang their clothes they leave in the machines, and I don't appreciate my work clothes wadded up on top. I have a daughter that doesn't like air conditioning (must have been dad's side of the family that came from). As for 900 I agree so much with you. By the way has anybody wrote rules for when not to text. IE the table, the car, when I am trying to hold a conversation with you?

