I am a stickler for clean, uninterrupted sound when I listen to my music. Years ago, when I played records, I listened until the record was scratched, and either I heard the same lyric in a song over and over and over again…or I didn’t hear the lyric at all because the record skipped. I didn’t make any conscious movements because I didn’t want to make the record skip. I wanted to hear the music as it was meant to be heard.
I never listened to 8 track tapes because, although they didn’t skip or scratch, they interrupted a song in the middle while the track changed, and then the song resumed a few seconds later. It was unsettling to say the least. I was never fond of cassette tapes either because they never had the oomph in the sound provided by a record and usually there was an unwanted hissing sound with the recording.
Then cd’s came along and I resisted buying them because one would need to take out a second mortgage to replace his record collection. Finally prices came down and I did make the jump to cd’s, but, alas the jump was a short one because now we have ITunes and can download music and put it on an Ipod, so I can have thousands of songs on a little doohickey. My cd’s could be put on ITunes and the Ipod too! I could carry my whole music collection in my palm!
So why…..why I ask you…do we have this thing called Satellite radio? I never did like listening to the radio much because I can’t stand commercials, and I like to select the music I listen to, not have some computer or deejay select a music mix for me. Now I am driving in the car with Satellite, and am listening to a comedy channel with Bill Cosby telling me about his childhood hernia, and the kids in the hood and Fat Albert were ‘hey-heying’, and I was laughing and laughing, and I couldn’t wait to hear the final punch lines. Then it happened. I passed a row of trees and…..hissing coming from the radio! No Bill Cosby, no hernia, no Fat Albert, no doctor, no nothing…for 15 seconds.
By the time I was finished with the row of trees, the signal returned and there was no more Bill Cosby, but a different comedian with another funny story. I wasn’t going to miss the end of this one too, so I switched to 60’s on 6. They were playing the best mix of commercial free music! Creedence, Marvin Gaye, and ‘I’m a Believer’ by the Monkees. My favorite part of the song was coming! The part where Mickey proclaims, OOOOOHHHHH, I’m a believer and I couldn’t leave her if I tried… but with today’s advances in music listening, it became OOOOOHHHHHH, I’m a b (ssssssssssssssssssss) eave her if I tr (ssssssssssssssssssss), Ah Yes I saw her face, now I’m a believer…….
You can’t play a record in a car, and you may have a hard time finding something to play it on anywhere. No cars come with cassette players any more. I find the radio unbearable. If I have five different stations programmed in, all five are having station breaks and commercials at the same time, or playing songs that are just okay, and all the voices are sounding alike to me. Now, I am the proud owner of Satellite radio and am paying for the agida*…yes, paying for my digestive system to be compromised by interrupted music and comedy routines. After a couple days of listening to Satellite, I am listening to a music mix that someone else has selected for me, and I am hearing the same songs and comedy stuff over and over.
When the radio gets kind of boring,
And I want my own tunes to start roaring
I get my playlist out
And soon I get blissed out
And play all the music I’m storing!
*agida - ah-jid-ah - Italian - indigestion, heartburn!
*agida - ah-jid-ah - Italian - indigestion, heartburn!
LOVE this! so true....does your car have a plug-in for your ipod?