

Blog Archive

Monday, March 26, 2012

YOU make a difference!

Today's memory was inspired by the latest blog entry by my daughter Karen, who graduated from Temple University in May, 2011, and is now a teacher.  In it, she had been at an IEP meeting for one of her students and a dialogue that had occurred between the student and an IEP team member was relayed:

CST Member: Do you want to go to college?
Student: [Nonchalantly] Yes. I'm going to Temple.
CST Member: Oh! Why Temple?
Student: [Looking at the CST member as if she was crazy for even asking the question; as if to say "Duh!"] It's where my teacher went.

Instantly, a conversation between one of my students and me from around four years ago came to mind.  You see, the Reading Department at the Elementary School I work in celebrates everything.  When there is a birthday in the department, the food and celebration occur two days before the birthday so everyone can graze for two extra days.  The small group that my sassy little pupil was in met in the office where the food was.  Here is the dialogue that took place that day:

Student:  I want to be a Reading teacher when I grow up.
Me:          Oh really, Why?
Student:   [As if to say "Duh!"]  Because I love to read and I love to eat!!

I am seriously inspired by and proud of my little girl today and the fine young woman she has grown up to be.  She is making a difference...............

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