Friday, June 21, 2013

Senior Living

What did I do when 93-year-old Aunt Rose wanted some company on a senior citizen bus trip to see the Reading Phillies play? I went, of course, expecting a general admission seat and a hot dog, most probably because I got what I could handle out of the invitation...the main idea...and the details would come later. My son thought it was appropriate for me to accompany Aunt Rose and her friends on this excursion, as I would blend in nicely. As I began to examine the details, I realized that I was being treated to a seat at a table with an all-you-can-eat barbecue buffet, a fabulous post-game fireworks display, a group of fine people to spend a lovely seasonal evening with, and a bonus....Chase Utley working his way back to the Majors! I did blend in, and it was a wonderful way to spend an early summer evening!

Aunt Rose and me - 6/20/2013

Friday, June 14, 2013

Fob Frustration, Optical Observation, and Hapless Happiness

Fob Frustration:  We are the proud owners of two cars. One is an older blue Honda, and the other is a slightly newer white Hyundai.  Some days I carry only the keys to the car I am driving that day in my pocket, and most days that car is the blue Honda.  Some days, however, I carry the keys to both cars.  

My wife told me that if one cannot locate his car in a parking lot, pressing his key fob against his chin extends the range of recognition for that fob.  It sounds like an old wive's tale...but certainly not because the wife is old, for I know better; and definitely not because the tale is old, for key fobs were not in existence when wive's tales were invented.  

Early this week, my youngest son Brian and I took a trip to Walmart, and on the way out walked to where I remembered parking my car.  You can imagine my embarrassment when I couldn't find the car.  I stood and visually circled the lot, and Brian was standing with me silently.  Then, the old wive's tale came to mind, and I pulled the keys from my pocket and pressed them to my chin and pressed the button on the fob.  No sound.  I did a quarter turn and repeated the action.  Still no sound.  Another quarter turn and one last fob to the chin gesture.  Still no sound.  

I turned to Brian and said, "I wonder where it is!"  

"It's right here," he said with a smirk, pointing to the Hyundai.

As for the old wive's tale...the proof will have to wait until the car and key fob in question match.


Optical Observation:  Folks like to go the convenience store to get their gasoline, then leave their car parked at the pump while they go into the store to buy their coffee in spite of the fact that there are parking spots right in front of the building. If I arrive when there are too many idle cars at the pumps, I get grumpy.


Hapless Happiness:  So, I'm outside trimming the hedges. Two squirrels that are frolicking and playing in the street come up the curb to the sidewalk and stop right at my feet, then run away in that frightened skittish manner.......much the same way the Christmas carolers do when they realize they are singing to Scrooge. It's a beautiful day!

Friday, June 7, 2013

Fond Farewells and New Beginnings

It's that day again.  It's the day when I say 'goodbye' to another school year.  It's the day when I bid farewell to the children, for they are moving onward and upward.  Some I will see out in the community.  They'll either be screaming my name when they see me, or they'll be red-faced and pretend they don't see me at all.  Some I may never see again.  Sometimes I wish I could get regular updates and see if I've had an impact on them.  Sometimes I wish I could hold onto them just a little longer because our work here is not finished.  Sometimes I am ready for them to move on.  

Every year, my future as a reading educator is more in jeopardy.  Funding gets cut, hours get cut, positions disappear, morale dwindles...I could go on.  With all the unknowns from one year to the next in this position, there is one constant.  Funding can be taken, hours can be taken, enthusiasm can be squelched, but there will always be that bottom line...that little face with the big eyes that can't wait to share his discovery in that book he's reading, or that paragraph she's written. 

My colleagues and I are the winners.  We follow the rules presented to us and see that the little scholars are assessed. Then we move on and have the opportunity to let them be children again and grow, learn, create, sing, draw, run, and, of course, READ! 

Somehow, there will always be a new beginning to follow the fond farewell....a renewed enthusiasm as the new readers enter their journey of discovery...a new set of big eyes full of wonder, and a reason to continue my journey as long as I'm able, and as long as they'll have me........   

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Father's Day's Coming!

As old married people, one of our favorite things to do is read to each other.  One of us will read a news story to the other, though we've already watched or read the story before.  Sometimes we read Facebook posts to each other, though we have the same friends and see the same posts.  Today I decided to entertain my honey with verbal reactions to the mail. Imagine my excitement when an examination of the pile of recyclables revealed a 20% off coupon for Bed Bath and Beyond.  My favorite part of that store is the alliteration in its name.    "Ooh!" I exclaimed facetiously.  "20% off at Bed Bath and Beyond!"

"Father's Day's coming." Jackie responded.

"Ooh, that'll make me happy." I retorted.

"When the Mom's happy, the Dad's happy." I cannot and will not, in any way shape or form,  argue with that one!
